Author: Sergey Melnik,
Title: «Generic Model Management: Concepts and Algorithms»
Pulisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540219803
Publish year: 2004
238 pages
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Below are photos of the Apple iPad Keyboard and Dock, the Apple iPad Case, and the Apple iPad 10W USB Power Adapter.
The photos further include some of the packaging from the various accessories. The one thing that stands out for me, aside from beautiful accessories, is the size of the packaging. When compared to most Apple accessories, these boxes are fairly large!
Check it out:
Closed packaging of the Apple iPad Keyboard and Dock accessory
Inside the packaging of the Apple iPad Keyboard and Dock accessory
Close-up of the Apple iPad Keyboard and Dock accessory
Behind view of the Apple iPad Keyboard and Dock accessory
Apple iPad Keyboard and Dock accessory in action
Apple iPad 10W USB Power Adapter packaging
Apple iPad Case accessory
Side view of the Apple iPad Case accessory with iPad inside
Apple iPad Case accessory on iPad
Apple iPad Case accessory front view with iPad
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